Free Logo Maker

Free Logo Maker

Enter words related to your business to get started.

Business Name Ideas Directory:

By Type:

Accommodation and Food Services:

Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation:

Health Care and Social Assistance:

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services:

Other Services:

Retail Trade:


How do I name my small business?

  1. Start a list of all ideas you think of.
  2. Review any business research you've done.
  3. Talk to potential clients/customers.
  4. Use a name generator to find more ideas.
  5. Look for names that are easy to spell and remember.
  6. Make sure you can get a website to match the name.
  7. Register and trademark your name.

What are good company names?

Good company names are generally short and easy to spell and remember. They don't necessarily need to relate to what the company does. Think of Apple, Exxon, and Kodak as examples.

How can I come up with more business name ideas?

  1. Try combining words that relate to your business and how you want to be perceived.
  2. Use a business name generator.
  3. Try writing as many names as you can think of in a minute.
  4. Use a thesaurus to find words related to the ones you've got.
  5. Try translating ideas you have into other languages.
  6. Consider famous people that relate to your idea. Think "Tesla."

How do I know if a business name idea is good?

  1. Check that it's easy to spell by telling people the name and having them spell it.
  2. Check if it's easy to memorize by asking people what the name was a day after telling them.
  3. Include it in a list of other names and ask people which ones they remember.
  4. Ask potential customers what they think of when they hear the name.
  5. See if the website is available.
  6. Keep it under 15 characters.