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Latin Business Name Ideas:

Business Name + Logo


Latin logo for a business called Vox Victoria. Edit

This business name is a combination of "voice" and "victory" that makes a great name idea for a record or music label.

Latin logo for a business called Bene Tibi Sápiat! Edit

Translated as "bon appetit!" this name idea is perfect for a restaurant, café, or cooking class.

Latin logo for a business called Usque Ad Noctem. Edit

A beautiful name idea for a supernatural store or a gothic business, meaning "until the night."

Latin logo for a business called Cafea Canem. Edit

Inspired by the famous mural "cave canem," this name idea brings together the words for "coffee" and "dog." This idea is great for a dog café.

Latin logo for a business called Rosa Pistrina. Edit

A pretty Latin name idea meaning "the rose bakery."

Latin logo for a business called Aqua Viridis. Edit

A beautiful name idea for a spa, beauty product, or water energy business, meaning "green water."

Latin logo for a business called VeniViniVici. Edit

A fun play on the famous quote that replaces "vidi" with "vini," or "wine." The idea of victory and wine combines for great logo ideas.

Latin logo for a business called Potentia Motus. Edit

Translated as "the power of movement," this name suits a sports company or clothing brand.

Latin logo for a business called Salve Libertatem. Edit

A fun, cheeky name idea for an attorney or law business, this name translates to "hello freedom."

Latin logo for a business called Mundus Industria. Edit

This Latin name idea for an energy business translates to "clean energy."

Latin logo for a business called Ego Ideam. Edit

This witty Latin business name works for a consulting or tech business and means "I had an idea."

Latin logo for a business called Dulce Periculum. Edit

An awesome name idea for an adventure tours business, meaning "danger is sweet."

Latin logo for a business called Audet Amor. Edit

An alliterative name idea for a wedding business that means "dare to love."

Latin logo for a business called Bonam Noctem. Edit

Meaning "good night," this is a cool name idea for a home security company.

Latin logo for a business called Mea Optima Vitae. Edit

A pretty name idea for a clothing boutique that translates to "my best life."

Latin logo for a business called Paulum Pax. Edit

This alliterative name idea means "a little peace," and is a great business name for a tea shop.

Latin logo for a business called Adeste Fideles. Edit

The Latin name for the carol "O Come, All Ye Faithful" makes a great name for a Christian shop.

Latin logo for a business called Manus Quod Auxilium. Edit

Meaning "the hands that help," this is a cool business name for a nonprofit organization.

Latin logo for a business called Melius Diebus. Edit

The rhyming quality of this name, meaning "better days," makes it catchy and memorable.

Latin logo for a business called Novum Amicis. Edit

Invite customers to make "new friends" at your coffee shop, pet store, house sitting business, etc.

Latin American Restaurant Business Names

Spicy and delicious name ideas for your Latin American restaurant.

More Latin Business Name Ideas:

Examples of Latin Company Names:

  • The Vox Box.
  • Aurum Co.
  • Coopertus House.
  • Pulchra Nocte.
  • Capulus Café.

Cool Latin Brand Names:

  • Vitae Fitness.
  • Parvuli Sitters.
  • Pila Sports.
  • Bonus Bies.
  • Rubrum Fructus.

Modern Latin Business Names:

  • Dominus Project.
  • Salve.
  • Speculum Speculum.
  • Barter Bazaar.
  • Amici Amare.

Clever Latin Restaurant Names:

  • Seminarium Coaching.
  • Amoris App.
  • Motu Propio Real Estate.
  • Audet Tours.
  • Anima Alba.

Unique Latin Brand Names:

  • Sine Sie Express.
  • Pax & Love.
  • Duae Manus.
  • Delectamenti Deli.
  • Ad Hoc Inc.

Good Latin Names for Companies:

  • Ita Vero News.
  • Beatus Ille Photography.
  • Habemus Papam Grill.
  • In albis House Painting.
  • The Plus Ultra.

Exciting Latin Names for Shops:

  • Hic Group.
  • Right Nunc.
  • Ipso Facto Fastfood.
  • Quid pro Quo Market.
  • Semper Fidelis Advertising.


How can I come up with some Latin business names?

  1. Go through your business plan and think about your mission, ideals, and ethics.
  2. Look at your competitors and note down keywords.
  3. Research Latin phrases that have meaning for you and your business.
  4. Use a reputable Latin translation app to help you come up with a great Latin name.
  5. Run your Latin keywords through a business name generator to create unique business name ideas.

What makes a Latin business name?

Latin business names use words or phrases from the Latin language. When choosing a Latin business name, it's best to find a word or phrase that resonates with you and with your business ideals.

What companies have Latin business names?

  • Audi.
  • Magnavox.
  • Oculus.
  • Cognitio Corp.
  • Motus The Company.
  • Novus International.
  • Libertas Companies.

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