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Shades & Blinds Business Name Ideas:


Business Name


1. Shade Set

This name tells clients that you will provide a "set" of shades that will fulfill all their needs.

2. Shade Drop

This plays on the fact that you drop shades when keeping light out.

3. Light Now

Playing on "right now" this name also speaks to the ease with which shades can open.

4. The Shut Shade

The repetition of the "sh" sound in this name makes it catchy and fun to say.

5. My Blinds Shine

This name shows that blinds can be functional as well as attractive and stylish.

6. Blinds Drop

This name plays on the function of blinds that drop closed.

7. Blinds Prime

"Prime" suggests that your business is the best.

8. Solid Blind

"Solid" is a promise of quality products.

9. The Blind Style

"Style" shows that your business can provide attractive blinds, not just functional ones.

10. Shineshut

The repetition of the "sh" sound in this name makes it fun to say and easy to remember.

Shutter Business Names

Eye-catching name ideas for your shutter business.

More Shades & Blinds Business Name Ideas:

Modern Shades and Blinds Business Names:

  • Shutterama.
  • Vesta Blinds.
  • Eos Shades.
  • MyShade.
  • Shades & More.

Catchy Shades and Blinds Brand Names:

  • Cancelight.
  • Curtain Fall.
  • ShadeCity.
  • Cozy Curtains.
  • La Jalousie.

Cool Shades and Blinds Company Names:

  • Venetian Window.
  • Blackout Blinds.
  • S&B House.
  • Pretty Persian.
  • Shadelux.

Fun Shades and Blinds Company Names:

  • Shade Throwers.
  • The Shade Shack.
  • The Shady Company.
  • Blind Bazaar.
  • Chiaroscuro.


How do I choose a shades and blinds business name?

  1. Write down keywords or name ideas.
  2. Find synonyms for your keywords.
  3. Use our business name generator.
  4. Show these names to potential clients to see which they like.
  5. Ask friends and family for their opinions.
  6. Check name availability.
  7. Secure the name.

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