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Ashtray Business Name Ideas:


Business Name


1. Ashthetic

A clever twist on "aesthetic." You have the design skill to make visually appealing ashtrays.

2. Ash Crash

A fun way of saying "a place for your ash to rest."

3. Smoke Artists

A fun name for a smoker's shop that sells crafts such as ashtrays.

4. Ash House

"House" is a fun of saying "this is where your ash lives."

5. Smoker's Crafts

A great name for a crafts shop dedicated to the smoking culture.

6. Ash Pros

"Pros" is a hint to your professionalism when it comes to design and craftsmanship.

7. Ash Clay

A clever play on "ashtray." Great name for a business that makes clay ashtrays.

8. Smoker's Eye

You know your clientele and you have an eye for what designs smokers like.

9. Ash Art

You make handmade ashtrays with custom designs for your customers. A great name.

10. My Ashtrays

"My" imparts a sense of familiarity on customers. You know them and they know you.

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More Ashtray Business Name Ideas:

Unique Ashtray Business Names:

  • Smokerest.
  • Concept Ashtrays.
  • Smoke Xccessories.
  • Class 'n' Glass.
  • Premier Ashtrays.

Catchy Ashtray Business Names:

  • The Smokesmiths.
  • Ashcatcher.
  • Puff Pals.
  • Smoke Bowls.
  • Fire Compartment.

Funny Ashtray Business Names:

  • Ashtounding.
  • Three Ash Tres.
  • Be-Trayed.
  • Smoke Butler.
  • Tray Thor.


How can I come up with some ashtray business names?

  1. Brainstorm some potential names.
  2. Think about words and concepts related to your ashtray business, target audience, and mission statement.
  3. Try combining words or use a business name generator.
  4. Review and reflect on your list.
  5. Gain feedback.
  6. Check the name's availability.
  7. Secure the name.

What makes a good ashtray business name?

Ashtrays can come in various shapes, sizes, and designs, depending on individual smoker preferences. An ashtray maker will need to emphasize these qualities in their craftsmanship. Appealing to these elements will make a great ashtray business name.

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