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Funny Business Name Ideas:
01. Pulp Eviction
A funny play on the movie "Pulp Fiction." Great for a cleaning company or waste removal business.
02. Come Stain Or Slime
A catchy name that suggests a kind of cleaning business.
03. La Dolce Pita
A name that is bound to get a laugh out of customers. For a Middle Eastern or Mediterranean bistro.
04. Salmon Going On
Sounds like "something going on." Great for a seafood restaurant or market.
05. The Rolling Crones
An entertaining name that suggests a female-run business or club.
06. Betty And The Feast
A play on a well-known fairytale. Suitable for a catering business.
07. Kick The Budget
A fun name that suggests an alternative to a budget. Could work for a bargain store.
08. So Eggcited!
A name that is both cute and hilarious. Conveys an over-the-top passion for eggs.
09. The Treeminator
This name will definitely get you some chuckles. Suggests a tree felling service.
10. License 2 Grill
A play on the Bond movie title "License to Kill." Great for a steakhouse.
11. The Big Queasy
A funny modification of "The Big Easy." Could work well for a roller coaster or theme park.
12. Tools Paradise
A play on the phrase "fool's paradise." Suitable for a hardware store or tool hire business.
13. Time 2 Dye
This name is hilarious because of its double meaning. For a business that sells dyes or dyed items.
14. The Booze Brothers
A fun and catchy play on "The Blues Brothers." Great for a themed bar or liquor store.
15. 2 Peas & A Cod
Sounds similar to "two peas in a pod." A funny name for a seafood restaurant.
16. Starchy & Stuffed
A delightfully cheerful and amusing name that sounds a little like "Starsky & Hutch."
17. Sole Proprietor
A pun makes this otherwise bland name funny and memorable. For a shoe store or fish and chips shop.
18. Fuelproof
A clever play on the term "foolproof." Suggests a quality product.
19. Glove Somebody
A charming name that sounds like "love somebody." Great for an accessory store.
20. The Bark Ages
Replacing "Dark" with "Bark" makes this name both adorable and hilarious. Great for a pet store.
More Funny Business Name Ideas:
Examples of Funny Business Names:
- The Lunch Fox.
- Britney's Pears.
- Lord Of The Things Bazaar.
- For Cod's Sake.
- Young Buns.
Funny Brand Names:
- The Backstreet Toys.
- Fry Away.
- We Wok!
- 2Bee Or Not 2Bee.
- Stranger Tips Bar.
Funny Company Names:
- Harry Butter & The Dairy Products.
- Forrest Gums.
- Giggles On Green.
- Be Bop Bistro.
- We're All Mad Here.
Funny Organization Names:
- Grab a Granny.
- Super Dads.
- Eco Locos.
- Doctors Without Orders.
- The Earthling Fund.