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Psychic Business Name Ideas:
Rank | Business Names | Description |
1. | The Occult Circle | This powerful name suggests that your business provides mystical services rooted in spiritualism. The word "circle" symbolizes unity and is an important shape in the psychic industry. |
2. | Spirits Collide | A creative name that lets clients know your psychic business offers mediumship services. It's got lots of allure but also exudes a feeling of professionalism. |
3. | Psichica | Translating to "psychic" in Italian, this straightforward name informs clients that your business is inspired by Italian folk magic. It's super versatile and has a divine quality to it. |
4. | Past & Future | If your psychic business aims to help clients make sense of their past and open up to their future, this name will perfectly describe your services. It's memorable with a hint of mysticism. |
5. | The Mystic Maven | Referring to an expert in mysticism and metaphysics, this name conveys a message of authenticity and confidence. Clients will know that your psychic services are reliable and grounded in many years of study. |
6. | Hexe Tarots | "Hexe" is the Germanic word for "witch" and sounds dynamic. Combined with the word "tarot," it creates a strong and cool name that will appeal to customers in search of classic, traditional cartomancy services. |
7. | Mind Over Matter | A unique name that gives a nod to your business' investment in the mind rather than material objects. It speaks to the metaphysical aspect of psychics and will suit a business that specializes in clairvoyance or mediumship services. |
8. | SpellSense | If your psychic business uses spellwork to practice fortune-telling or mediumship, this name is a sure-fire way to entice clients to learn more about your services. The alliteration of the "S" makes the name memorable and imaginative. |
9. | Manteía | Referring to "divination" in Greek, this name alludes to your psychic business' affinity for classic fortune-telling practices, such as crystal gazing, astrology, and palm reading. It sounds sophisticated and regal. |
10. | The Spectre Sanctuary | A striking name that will grab the attention of clients looking to connect with the spiritual realm in a safe space. It will communicate that your psychic business is a positive environment with calmness and control in mind. |
More Psychic Business Name Ideas:
Creative Psychic Business Names:
- Spirit's Connect.
- Luna Magic.
- Cosmic Harmony.
- Faithful Frequencies.
- Mystic House.
Unique Psychic Business Names:
- Ghost Office.
- Heavenly Supreme.
- Mind Viewers.
- Healing Chat.
- Lady Lucida.
Trendy Psychic Business Names:
- Almighty Helper.
- Blessed Secrets.
- Wizards of Will.
- Soul Searchers.
- Tower of Wonders.
Cool Psychic Business Names:
- Chakra Recovery.
- Midnight Wolf.
- Morticia’s Secret.
- Divine Mystery.
- Mind Whisperer.