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How to Name a Blog:

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How to Name a Blog:

Use these steps to name your new blog.


Do keyword research.


Use Google Keyword Planner.

Use Google Keyword Planner.

You can use Google Keyword Planner to view high-traffic search terms related to the topic of your blog. Using some of these words in your blog name could help you attract the right readers and enable your blog to perform better in search results.

Pay the most attention to high-traffic keywords, which will show up at the top of the list.


Use alliteration.


Make it memorable.

Make it memorable.

Alliteration is a method of stringing together several words that all start with the same letter. Using alliteration in your blog name can make it easier for people to remember. For example, "Craig's Car Club."


Focus on being easy to pronounce.

Focus on being easy to pronounce.

As helpful as alliteration can be, don't use long words or alliterate more than three words. "Al's Amazing Art Appreciation" is a bit of a mouthful.


Understand your audience.


Start a name contest.

Start a name contest.

Getting ideas from your audience is a great way to crowdsource creativity. If you already have a blog or a list of email subscribers, you can ask people to submit their ideas.


Study the demographics.

Study the demographics.

It's important to consider who your audience is when you're trying to come up with a name for your blog. If you have an automotive blog, for example, you might want to choose an action-oriented name. On the other hand, if you're starting a fashion blog, you may want to pick a name that's sophisticated and elegant.


Make a joke.


Change up a cliche.

Change up a cliche.

We generally say cliches are worn out because everyone uses them. However, if you can take a cliche and modify it, you might be on your way to a good blog name. This can be difficult, but it's one way to come up with a name.


Use your mission statement.


Identify action words.

Identify action words.

Read over your blog's mission statement and underline any verbs that you find, such as "discuss," "educate," etc. These words could be used in the name of your blog if they are relevant to its purpose.

Don't already have a mission statement? Take some time to write one before you name your blog. It will help to clarify the blog's purpose.


Check domain availability.

Do a quick search.

A quick Google search will usually tell you whether or not someone is already using the domain name that you want. If it is available, you should buy it right away.

Purchase a domain name that matches the name of your blog. This will make your blog much easier to find.


Buy your domain from a hosting site.

Buy your domain from a hosting site.

Purchase the domain name that you want so that you can secure it before someone else does.


Make a shortlist.


Write down your top choices.

Write down your top choices.

By now, you should have come up with at least a few blog names that you like. Put them all down on a list so that you can compare them and spend more time mulling over the best options.


Share your ideas with friends.

Share your ideas with friends.

Share your shortlist with friends and see which name they like the most. You may notice that the majority of people who you show the list to chose one or two names in particular.


Pick a name.

Pick a name.

After going through the previous steps, you should have several strong options. At this point, it's time to pick a name for your blog. Go with something that received positive feedback and has an available domain name.

How to Name an Online Store

A step-by-step guide to naming an online store.


Should my blog name be my name?

You could incorporate your own name into your blog. However, unless you are famous, this might be a bad idea as it could make the blog's purpose more difficult for new readers to identify.

Can I use a blog generator to create a name?

You can use a business name generator like NameSnack to create a unique name for your blog.

If you have a blog name in mind and you want to know if it's available, do a Google search for the name and include the keyword "blog."

What do I need to remember when naming a blog?

  • Use high-traffic keywords to ensure your blog ranks high in search results.
  • Try to make your name easy to pronounce and memorable.
  • Keep your audience in mind when choosing a name.
  • Use action words from your mission statement to keep your name relevant.
  • Make sure the domain for your preferred name is available.
  • Share your ideas with family, friends, and potential readers so that you choose a name that is appealing to your readership.

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