Enter words related to your business to get started.
Key Information
Legal Name | Utah Division of Corporations & Commercial Code |
Address | 160 E. 300 South, 2nd Fl., Salt Lake City, UT 84111 |
Telephone | |
Website |
How to Do a Utah Business Search:
Use our step-by-step guide to perform a business search on Utah's Division of Corporations and Commercial Code (DCCC) website. We've included some important tips and tricks to use.
Conduct a Utah business search online.
Go to the Utah Division of Corporations and Commercial Code website.
The Utah Division of Corporations and Commercial Code (DCCC) website offers a great business name search tool. The results from this tool will include all business types, as well as fictitious business names.
For the best results, you should search both the full name you want to use for your business and a keyword or two from that name.
Enter your business name in the search bar.
Type the entire business name you have chosen as you want it to appear on your legal documents, but without punctuation or determiners, such as "LLC" or "Corporation," into the search bar next to "Business Name." Then click on "Search."
View your search results.
If your name is available for use, you will see a green checkmark with a message telling you that the name appears to be available. You can click on the provided link to register your business name.
Otherwise, you will see a list of business names that match or are similar to your chosen name. The list includes information on the entity name, status, type, and city. You can also click on the "details" link to see more information. If your chosen name appears exactly as you want it on the list, or if there is a deceptively similar name listed, you will not be able to use that business name. However, if the status shows as "expired," you may be able to use it.
If your search returns a green checkmark, do another search of a single keyword or two from your chosen name to be 100% certain that there are no similar names registered. Searching a keyword or even part of a keyword will also help you to see if there are registered names that use misspellings or abbreviations.
Additional Utah business search steps.
Do a domain search.
To help your customers find your business easily, you should also check that you can use the domain name and email address that matches your business name.
Search the Utah state trademark database.
Use the Utah Trademark Manager to search the trademark and service mark database for your chosen business name.
Type the main keyword from your business name into the search bar next to "Keyword." Leave all the other search fields blank and click on "Search."
View the search results for your business name or any deceptively similar trademarked names.
If your business name is available, you should consider trademarking it with the state of Utah. Log into your Utah.gov account to complete your trademark registration.
Search the USPTO database.
Conduct a search of the United States Patent and Trademark Office's (USPTO) trademark database to check that your name has not been trademarked or is in the process of being trademarked.
Reserve your business name.
You can reserve your business name by filing an Application for Reservation of Business Name. The application costs $22.00, is valid for 120 days, and can be filed by mail, in person, or online.