Enter words related to your business to get started.
Key Information
Legal Name | Florida Secretary of State |
Address | 2415 N. Monroe St., Ste. 810, Tallahassee, FL 32303 |
Telephone | |
Website |
How to Do a Florida Business Search:
Our step-by-step guide to performing a Florida business search will take you through navigating the Sunbiz website and performing a name search, as well as a fictitious name search.
Conduct a Florida business search online.
Go to the Department of State's Division of Corporations website.
Sunbiz.org is the official state of Florida website where you can find the Division of Corporations' records search tool. This tool offers a variety of search options, but you will want to use the "By Name" option.
Enter your proposed name in the search bar.
In the blank search bar next to "Entity Name," type in your proposed name, without any identifiers such as "LLC" or "Corporation." For a more thorough search, only enter the first word or two, or even just part of the first word. Click on "Search Now" to view your results. Do not press enter on your keyboard.
View your results.
The search results will display a list of registered entities in alphabetical order. For example, if you search "account" as part of "Accounting Solutions," you will see results starting from "Account, LLC" onwards. You can keep scrolling down the list.
If you see your name exactly as you want it, or if there is a very similar name in the list, you will have to choose another name.
Search the Fictitious Name database.
To be thorough in your name availability search, you should also look up your name in the Fictitious Name database.
Type your proposed business name, or just a keyword, into the search bar next to "Name" and click on the "Search" button.
You will either see an error message saying "Records not found in that direction," or you will see a list of entities to review. If you get the error message, that means your name is likely available.
Additional Florida business search steps.
Check that the corresponding domain is available.
To help your customers find your business easily, you should also check that you can use the domain name and email address that matches your business name.
Search Florida's state trademark database.
On Florida's Sunbiz website, select the "Trademark Name" option on the Division of Corporations' records search tool. Perform your search just as you did with the name search (detailed above).
Once you have determined that your chosen business name is available, you can download and complete the trademark registration application.
Search the USPTO database.
Conduct a search of the United States Patent and Trademark Office's (USPTO) trademark database to check that your name has not been trademarked or is in the process of being trademarked.
Check that appropriate social media handles are available.
Do a quick search of social media to see if you can use a handle that matches your chosen business name.
Consider registering a fictitious business name.
In Florida, you cannot reserve a business name but you can register a fictitious business name. However, it is not a requirement for a corporation, limited liability company (LLC), or limited partnership.
The registration costs $50.00 and is valid for five years.
Remember to advertise your business name in your local paper before completing the online application.